CompForce Frequently Asked Questions

What is Compforce?
Compforce, in the old days of the Empire, was a large force of carefully selected volunteers that the Emperor could relay on for their dedication and loyalty. After the fall of the Emperor this force was for the most part fragmented and disbanded as the different Imperial warlords followed their own agendas. Now, seven years after the Emperors death, Grand Admiral Larsen of the Imperial Order reformed this group. They will be used to hold newly captured world for the Imperial Order. For Imperial Order purposes, Compforce members will use Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Add-on Pack (MOTS is optional).

Is Compforce a Sub-Group of the Imperial Order?
Compforce is an integrated part of the Imperial Order, it is not a sub-group. Compforce members follow the same rank structure Code of Conduct rules as the rest of the Imperial Order membership. All Compforce members of appropriate rank and experience will be considered for any jobs, including Ship Captain of the Ship they are stationed on, the Dark Jedi Order and Imperial Intelligence. They are also eligible for High Command Assistant Positions, and possible High Command posting if available.

What Force Powers are Compforce members allowed to use?
No Force Powers are to be used in official missions and competitions. Force Powers will be granted when/if a Compforce member is inducted into the Dark Jedi Order.

What are Compforce Members Duties?
Compforce members are expected to participate in all Imperial Order activities. That includes completion of missions when released and Ladder Competitions. Web pages displaying personal statistics and/or Platoon/ Regiment pages are also required. Submitting to the Treatise Imperialis and attending Imperial Order meetings is highly encouraged.

Order of the Battle (Compforce Structure)
Squad: Comprised of 4 troopers and led by a Squad Leader who must have the minimum rank of Commander. A Squad is not capable of extended operations. A Squad mirrors the Navy's Flight Group.

Platoon : Comprised of 3 Squads and is commanded by the Platoon Commander. The Platoon Commander must hold the minimum rank of General. The Platoon Commander is assisted by the Squad leaders. The Platoon mirrors the Navy Squadron.

Regiment : Comprised of 6 Platoons and is commanded by a Regiment Commander. The Regiment Commander must hold the minimum rank of Lieutenant General. The Regiment Commander is assisted by the 6 Platoon Commanders. The Regiment mirrors the Navy's Wing.

Identification Lines. 
The standard Imperial Order Identification Structure will be used.

Structure Example : 


Position Abbreviations ( from lowest to highest)

SM - Squad Member

SL - Squad Leader

PCMDR - Platoon Commander

RC - Regiment Commander