SA or Situational Awareness is knowing what is going on in battle. Who
are your enemies, where is your flagship. Who is attacking it or you. Where
are your wingmen and what are they doing. What Flight groups just entered
the battle, where are they going or what are they doing. You better know
the answers or the battle is lost and you may end up dead. There is no
excuse for not knowing what is going on around you. The following commands
will keep you and your wingmen alive, in other words, memorize them.
Weapons System Controls
[W] - Cycles through weapon systems
[X] - Cycles through weapons firing configurations
[B] - Toggles beam weapon on/off
Targeting and CMD System Controls
[T] - Selects next available target
[Y] - Selects previous available target
[U] - Selects the newest craft in the area
[R] - Selects the enemy fighter/mine closest to you
[E] - Selects the nearest enemy attacking your craft
[A] - Selects closest attacker of your current target
[I] - Toggles component tracking display on/off
[,] - Cycles through your target's components
[<] - Cycles through components in reverse order
[Spacebar] - Confirms critical orders
Onboard Information Systems
[D] - Displays Craft Damage
[G] - Displays Mission Goals
[L] - Displays Message Log
[M] - Displays Flight Map
[Shift A] - Assigns current target to wingman
[Shift B] - Tells re-supply ship to board and reload your craft
[Shift E] - Tells currently targeted craft to take evasive action
[Shift G] - Tells a craft awaiting orders to continue with their mission
[Shift I] - Tells all wingmen to ignore your current target
[Shift R] - Tells craft to report in with their current orders
[Shift S] - Sends for reinforcements if available
[Shift W] - Tells targeted craft to stop and wait for further orders