High Command Offices
Imperial Command Authority (ICA)
The Imperial Command Authority, Emperor Ged Larsen, is the owner, founder and leader of the Imperial Order. All decisions implemented, mandated and rendered by the ICA on ANY matter in the Imperial Order is ultimate. All official Battle plotlines, official stories, and general development ideas must be approved by the ICA prior to release to the rest of the Empire. The ICA, when making judgments and decisions will take into account all the facts presented to him from the parties involved. This includes recommendations from the High Command, Ship Captains, Wing/Regiment Commanders, and/or Squadron/Platoon Commanders. The ICA is the only officer in the Fleet who may approve and appoint High Command Officers, Command Rank positions and rank promotions above the rank of Rear Admiral. The ICA is also the primary author and editor of the Treatise Imperialis. Emperor Ged Larsen is the sole owner of imperialorder.org and imperialorder.net and is the Webmaster of all sites host on these domains.
The Emperor's base of operations is in the Coruscant System, in the Sesswenna Sector. He is also the Fleet Commander of the Command Fleet and the Coruscant Defense Fleet.
The Imperial Command Authority also holds the title of Supreme Overlord of the Dark Jedi.
The Executor (EX)
The Executor is the Emperor's second in command and answerable only to the Emperor. Decisions made by the Executor are usually final unless a formal objection is filed with the Emperor for review of the circumstances. The duties of the EX are broad and encompassing, as the EX works closely with the Emperor, the Chief of Operations and the Central Director of Intelligence in managing the daily operations and long range plans of the Empire. The Executor must be ready to carry out the Emperor's will at any time, anywhere, without hesitation.
The EX also holds the title of Grand Jedi Master, and as such is the head of the Dark Jedi Order. The EX oversees and is responsible for all aspects, matters and members of the Dark Jedi Order. The EX also oversees the High Priestess of the Krath and the Dark Lord of the Sith, and reports on their status and progress, along with that of the entire DJO to the Emperor.
In addition, the EX works to improve the Imperial Order by contributing new ideas, issuing orders and managing long term projects.
In the event the Emperor is unable to perform his duties, the Executor is tasked with the responsibility of assuming command of the Empire.
The Executor's base of operations is in the Adega System, in the Auril Sector. The EX also is in charge of the Dark Jedi Temple on Coruscant in Imperial City. The EX is the Fleet Commander of the First, Subjugator Fleet, and is also the Ship Commander of the SSD Subjugator.
Chief of Operations (CHO)
The Chief of Operations is the Emperor's third in command and answerable only to the Emperor. Decisions made by the CHO are usually final, unless a formal objection is filed with the Executor and the Emperor for review of the circumstances. The duties of the CHO are far and ranging, as the CHO works closely with the Emperor, the Executor and the Central Director of Intelligence in managing daily operations and long range plans. The CHO must be ready to carry out the Emperor's Will at any time, anywhere, without hesitation.
The CHO also holds the title of Overseer of the Admiralty, and as such is in charge of all High Command Fleet Offices: Flight, Training, Tactical, Logistics, Morale, Communications, and War. The CHO is responsible for keeping in direct contact with these HC Officers and reports directly to the Emperor on their status and progress.
Additionally, the CHO contributes new ideas, issues orders and helps manage long-term projects. In the event the Emperor is unable to perform his duties, the CHO assists the Executor in running and commanding the Empire.
The CHO's base of operations is in the Bilbringi System, in the Farfin Sector. The CHO is also the Fleet Commander of the Second, Executor Fleet, as well as the Ship Commander of the SSD Executor II; as such he is responsible for all personnel stationed about the SSD Executor II.
Central Director of Intelligence (CDI)
The Central Director of Intelligence is the Emperor's fourth in command and answerable only to the Emperor. The primary function of the CDI is to oversee and control every aspect of Imperial Intelligence. The CDI also holds the title of Defender of the Empire, and as such is head of the Ubiqtorate. The CDI decides what may or may not constitute a threat to the Empire, which groups or individuals should be targeted for observation, infiltration, sedition, or destruction.
Assisted by the Bureau Directors, the CDI decides what methods of covert activity to pursue and how best to implement the various methods. The Ubiqtorate is responsible for the definition of operations, the destination of agents, and the general well being of Imperial Intelligence. This position demands that the CDI is well versed and knowledgeable about the Galaxy: its history, planets, races, and conflicts, in addition to knowledge of enemy territory, personnel, ships, and weaponry.
The CDI is partially responsible for the induction of new agents into Intel, by placing potential candidates through a battery of rigorous tests in order to ensure a recruit is absolutely loyal and trustworthy.
The CDI's base of operations is in the Yaga Minor System, in the Rayter Sector. The CDI commands the Third, Malevolent Fleet and is also the Ship Commander of the ISD Malevolent.
Development Officer (DEV)
The Development Officer is responsible for the majority of web and graphic development in the Imperial Order. The Development Officer is also in charge of, and responsible for Imperial Development, which instructs and guides our members to learn new skills that are of use to the Imperial Order. The DEV is also responsible for the archiving and maitenance of all Imperial Order Medals of Merit, Battle Medals and Uniforms.
The Development Officer commands the Virulent Fleet and the ISD Virulent. The DEV base of operations is in the Sluis Van System in the Sluis Sector.
Information Officer (INO)
The Information Officer's primary function is to maintain the Imperial Order Officer Database. The INO keeps a record of every active officer in the Imperial Order, including their vital statistics and dossier information. The Information Officer also records the Imperial Order weekly meetings and maintains the archives where every meeting log is stored. In addition, the Information Office maintains the Imperial Order payroll, which tracks the Imperial credit account for every officer in the IO.
The Information Officer commands the Lightning Fleet and the ISD Lightning. The INO base of operations is in the Kessel System in the Calaron Sector.
Morale Officer (MO)
The Morale Officer is responsible for the morale and spirit of the entire Imperial Order, from the High Command down to the new recruits. The MO's duty is also to see that every member is occupied during their off duty time through a series of Morale programs. They include, but are not limited to: friendly gaming events, betting pools, satirical literature, and the famed Imperial Casino. The MO, along with the MO staff, also conduct random interviews with officers from time to time to get a feel for the overall morale of the officers.
The Morale Officer commands the Tenth, Tyrannic Fleet and the ISD Tyrannic. The MO base of operations is in the Bespin System in the Churba Sector.
Strategic Command Officer (SCO)
The primary function of the Strategic Command Officer is development and maitenance of Imperial Order missions and levels. The SCO archives and keeps track of every member created mission for TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, along with member created levels for Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy and Galactic Battlegrounds. The Strategic Command Office also aids members in the training of game editing, and assists members in the developement of their ideas into quality missions and levels.
The Strategic Command Officer commands the Arrowhead Fleet and the ISD Arrowhead. The SCO base of operations is in the Kuat System in the Kuat Sector.
Training Officer (TRO)
The Training Officer is trusted with a monumental job: the training of new recruits to become Imperial officers. The TRO receives all new member applications, places the new recruits into Training squadrons or platoons, and then trains them to be the best starfighter pilots and troops in the Galaxy. Stationed aboard the Platform Tigris, it is the function of the TRO and the TRO staff to assure that all new recruits complete their training to gain full acceptance and membership into the IO. The TRO and TRO staff are always available to ALL recruits to answer questions and aid the trainees in getting acquainted with the Imperial Order.
The Training Officer commands the Seventh, Admonisher Fleet and the ISD Admonisher. The TRO base of operations is in the Ryloth System in the Orus Sector.
War Officer (WO)
The War Officer is the head of all Imperial Order gaming events. All official competitions, challenges and tournaments must be first sanctioned and approved by the WO. The WO is also responsible for maintaining and running, with the help of the WO staff, all Imperial Order Game Ladders. The WO will also act as the chief collaborator and emcee in all official online gaming events.
The War Officer commands the Twelfth, Protector Fleet and the ISD Protector. The WO base of operations is in the Ukio System in the Abrion Sector.