The Imperial Palace
The huge governmental building on Coruscant where the galaxy's leaders have convened for thousands of generations,
the Imperial Palace has been added to by each successive administration. Like Coruscant itself, the Palace sprawls across
the face of Imperial City, dominating the skyline with its huge, pyramidal outline. The uppermost levels of the palace
house hangars and delivery bays that can accommodate large transport ships. The remaining levels above ground
contains a multitude of banquet halls and living quarters for the many races and cultures that have been part of the Old
and New Republics. The immediate levels below ground are made up of audience halls and conference rooms. The lowest
levels are the realm of the support and service areas, including kitchens, atmosphere circulation, heating and cooling, and
waste disposal. In all, there are more than 50 connected structures that make up the Palace, encompassing some 20,000
rooms and chambers. It is not uncommon for first-time Seantors and their aides to become lost in the mazes which are
formed by its passageways. There are also a number of rumors surrounding the Palace. There are several stories of
construction workers who were lost and never found; of chambers without doors; of sections of a hundred or more rooms
that have never been occupied. There is even a belief that there is a hidden treasure room containing the wealth of