The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Corellian Sector

Core Worlds Sectors   |    Coruscant   |    Corellia   |    Lambda   |    Anthos

Planetary Systems:

  • Corellia: The Corellian system, located in the Corellian sector, contains five inhabited worlds-- Corellia, Selonia, Drall, Talus, and Tralus-- collectively referred to as the Five Brothers. The system is inhabited primarily by humans, Selonians, and Drall (though the latter two species are rarely seen outside the system), and is policed by the Corellian Defense Force. Pilots from the Corellian system are known throughout the galaxy for their superb skills, and the system is also notorious for its smugglers and pirates. The human-run Corellian shipyards are famous throughout the galaxy for their long, distinguished manufacture of a vast variety of starships.

  • Umgul : A cool, mist-covered world in the same system as Dargul, Umgul is known as a center for gambling and sports attractions. The planet's spaceport is located in Umgul City, built on the limestone banks of a wide river that attracts numerous pleasure barges. The city is covered with signs and attractions for visitors, though cheating in the gambling establishments is punishable by death. Tourists primarily visit Umgul to see the famous Umgullian blob races, held in an arena carved from rock and ringed with fans to blow away the thick fog.

  • Dargul : Dargul is the sister world of the blob-racing planet Umgul. It is the location of Palace Dargul, residence of the Duchess Mistal.

  • Sacorria : Located in the Sacorrian system, one of the Outlier systems of the Corellian sector, Sacorria is a pleasant but secretive world with strict regulations. It is the site of the Dorthus Tal prison and its main city has a cobblestone square in town. Sacorria is ruled by the Triad-- a secretive council of dictators consisting of one human, one Drall, and one Selonian. Almost nothing is known about the three rulers, not even their names, though the Selonians on Sacorria are known to be descendants of a dishonored Selonian den. In years past the Triad was merely the puppet of the Corellian Diktat, but it now freely runs the planet and has passed more and more restrictive laws. Women are not allowed to marry without their fathers' consent, and a recent law made it illegal to marry an off-worlder. Sacorria's moon is Sarcophagus, which serves as a vast graveyard for the planet's inhabitants. Fourteen years after the Battle of Endor, Lando Calrissian visited Sacorria to see Tendra Risant, a member of a wealthy and influential family, for a possible marriage proposal. Meanwhile, the Sacorrian Triad set into motion a master plan to force the New Republic to acknowledge the Corellian sector as an independent state. The Triad organized rebellions on each of the five planets in the Corellian system and gained control of Centerpoint Station, which allowed them to set up interdiction and jamming fields over the system and to destroy distant stars at will. The Triad's plans, and their fleet of more than eighty Sacorrian ships, were defeated by the New Republic and a Bakuran task force.

  • Nimban : The Nimbanese developed from a species of grazing reptiles who tracked traveling plants across the plains of their homeworld.

  • Sluudren : Homeworld of the Sludir, an extremely violent race.