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Internet Relay Chat
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Meetings for the Imperial Order are held on a weekly basis, every Monday at 5PM Eastern Time (10:00 PM GMT) on the DynastyNet IRC server in channel #Imperial_Order. These meetings serve to update members on current news and events that are occurring and allow Officers of the High Command and command ranking Line Officers to present their weekly reports to the Fleet. Additionally, our IRC channel serves as a main focal point for online chat and discussion during all hours of the day, seven days a week. Members are highly encourage to come to IRC and meet their fellow officers "face to face" for a more personal aspect of our Star Wars community. Non-members are also welcome to visit our channel to meet our members and pose any inquiries they may have before joining. To access IRC you will need an IRC program such as mIRC. A specialized release of mIRC, customized for the Imperial Order, is availible to all Imperial Order members for download at the IO mIRC Site.

Download IO mIRC

Server info: irc.dynastynet.net

Main Channels: #Imperial_Order and #Imperial_Order_Lounge
Copyright (c)1997-2012 The Imperial Order©, All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this material in any shape or form with out the express written consent of the author is prohibited and subject to Federal Copyright laws. Site owned, maintained, and created by Ged Larsen. This page was generated in 0.000021 seconds. star wars, imperial order, eclipse star destroyer, star wars, star wars modeling alliance, star destroyer blueprints, star wars, the imperial order, super star destroyer, star wars, the eclipse star destroyer, star wars modeling, imperial order, star wars, imperial star destroyer, center for propaganda, tie fighter, x-wing fighter, x-wing, tie interceptor
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