Emperor's Own Tournament
Emperor's Own Tournament I - Final Results
TIE Fighter:
- 1st Place: RA Snailman - Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
- 1st Place: COL Ronin - Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross
- 2nd Place: FA Moskito - Awarded Superior Performance Medal
- 3rd Place: MG Tav1 - Awarded 1,000 ICs
X-Wing Alliance
- 1st Place: LG Icaro - Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross
- 2nd Place: CPT Eagleye - Awarded Superior Performance Medal
- 3rd Place: MAJ Max - Awarded 1,000 ICs
Jedi Knight
- 1st Place: COL Wrath - Awarded Distinguished Combat Cross
- 2nd Place: LG Fox - Awarded Superior Performance Medal
1st Place: Distinguished Flying or Combat Cross
2nd Place: Superior Performance Medal
3rd Place: 1,000 ICs
All pilot files for TIE, XvT, and XWA are to be sent to me via email emperor@imperialorder.net
All JK/JO screenshot results are to be sent to me via email emperor@imperialorder.net
All results are due in August 7th.
For Jedi Outcast *ONLY* : as there are four players, the winners of the first round will battle to determine the number one spot
and those two players will receive another deadline when the first round is played
TIE, XvT and XWA Rules:
Difficulty set to Hard
No invulnerable, unlimited ammo or craft collision set to off, and default number of craft waves
Platform: TIE Fighter
GA Kamin
RA Snailman
Mission: Mission of Urgency 14
Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
FA Moskito
MG Tav1
COL Ronin
CM Chiron
Mission: Mission of Urgency 16
Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
LG Icaro
MG Hornet
CPT Eagleye
Mission: Combat Simulator-Single Player - Load 4P Complex 2 Team Factory Flashpoint, Fly with Team 2 in the T/A Alpha Group
Jedi Knight and Jedi Outcast Rules:
30 minute time limit
No DJO powers
Platform: Jedi Knight
LG Fox vs. COL Wrath
Level: Imperial Order Arena http://www.virulent.de/tactical/files/gaming/member/levels/jk-mp/ioarena.zip
Time Limit: 30 minutes
Platform:Jedi Outcast
Match-ups: (Round One)
MG Dark Wolf vs. LTCM Perja
BG Dragonfly vs. COL Butcher
Level: Star Destroyer
Time Limit: 30 minutes