The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Escandar Sector
Mid Rim - South Quad Sectors   |    Escandar   |    Gaulius   |    Mortex   |    Portmoak   |    Quence   |    Sharadan   |    Thuris   |    Torch Nebula   |    Trexan

Planetary Systems
  • Stenos : Home of big winged uglies called Stenaxes. They don't care what the off-worlders do, so long as they don't mess with them or their culture. Stenos is a hive for bounty hunters and con men.

  • Stronghold : A rocky, Alliance safe world

  • Denab : The Imperial Fourth Attack Squadron was soundly defeated by the Alliance at the Battle of Denab. The Squadron was primarily composed of Victory-class Star Destroyers, and it is their relatively slow sublight speed that is regarded as the key reason for their defeat.