The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Sharadan Sector
Mid Rim - South Quad Sectors   |    Escandar   |    Gaulius   |    Mortex   |    Portmoak   |    Quence   |    Sharadan   |    Thuris   |    Torch Nebula   |    Trexan

Planetary Systems
  • Charenthoth : Site of a major alliance/empire battle

  • Tangrene : One of the most heavly defended planets in Imperial Space, due to a Ubiqtorate base right on the Republic border. At least 2 Star Destroyers are on station at all times there.

  • Mattri asteroids : Garm Bel Iblis' private army had a temporary base in the Mattri asteroids during their hit-and-fade attacks against the Empire.

  • Renatasia : The system, containing eight planets orbiting a yellow star, is located far outside civilized space. It was apparently colonized in a long-forgotten mission many thousands of years ago in Pre-Republic days. No records exist of this early colonization, and the Renatasians gradually became unaware of their extrastellar origin. Renatasia III and IV are green, pleasant worlds, though the Renatasians had colonized every planet in their system by the time they were discovered by a damaged trader ship. The Empire decided to send representatives to probe the society's weaknesses, and the Ottdefa Osuno Whett and the droid Vuffi Raa were sent as envoys to the nation-state of Mathilde on Renatasia IV's second-largest continent. After observing the locals for 700 days, a full report was transmitted and the Imperial fleet arrived, which began to collect slaves and taxes. The Renatasians resisted, and the fleet attempted to seize the system intact through the use of ground forces-- taking heavy losses in a costly but inevitable Imperial victory. Over two-thirds of the population in the Renatasia system was killed in the pacification effort.

  • Spuma : New Republic intelligence agents on Spuma discovered increased trooper recruitment into the fleet of Admiral Harrsk, one of the few Imperial warlords remaining eight years after the Battle of Endor.