The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Heyer Sector
Mid Rim - West Quad Sectors   |    Dryden   |    Grimaldi   |    Heyer   |    Kess   |    Kl'midia   |    Lahara   |    Lave   |    Mazel   |    Riso   |    Trax

Planetary Systems
  • Ord Mantell : Once served as a prime military base for the Old Republic, but now a gambling reserve and seedy spacer and smuggler conclave.

  • Zygerria : the homeworld of the Zygerrian slavers. Three years before the Battle of Yavin, Han Solo and Chewbacca had a run-in with Zygerrian slavers off Janodral Mizar. After convincing the slavers to abandon ship by broadcasting a stolen Imperial ID, Solo gave the ship and its cargo of treasure to the freed slaves. Among them was Alliance historian Arhul Hextrophon and his family.

  • Culroon III : An out-of-the-way planet with an amazing history of violence, Culroon III was largely ignored by the Old Republic. Due to their constant wars the primitive Culroon never developed space travel, but they did trade for technological goods including blasters. When the Empire decided to construct a garrison on Culroon III, the Imperial general in charge of the operation agreed to a ceremonial surrender of the Culroon people by their leader, Kloff. When this ceremony turned out to be an ambush by the Culroon, the Imperial staff was rescued by an AT-AT commanded by then- lieutenant Veers.

  • Davnar II : Homeworld of a bipedal, scaly, long-snouted alien species. One of Ploovo Two-For-One's henchmen was a native of Davnar II.