Planetary Systems
Bothawui : The bothan homeworld.
Sirpar : The Imperial Army's main facility designed to turn ordnary citizens into brutal enforcers of the Emperor's will.
Churba : location of that ideal corperate colony, New Cov.
Barhu : A boiling hot ball of lifeless rock in the Churba system.
Agrilat : Agrilat contains a crystal swamp where an illegal and dangerous swoop race between Dengar and Han Solo was once held. Dengar was left with severe injuries and a burning hatred for Solo.
Spefik : Two wings of TIE fighters attacked the anti-orbital ion cannons on Spefik. The cannons were destroyed by a salvo from pilot Ranulf Trommer.
Xyquine : Three years after the Battle of Endor, New Republic forces suffered what Han Solo called a "fiasco" at Xyquine. A passenger transport was destroyed, and pilot Pash Cracken had to invent the "Cracken Twist" to disguise the escaping ships' exit vectors.