Planetary Systems
Honoghr : Homeworld of the Nogri. Nobody really knows of this planet's existance.
Kessel : Just outside of the Maw, a cluster of black holes, Kessle is a potato shaped planet with one moon. The planet is too small to maintain it's own atmosphere, so terreforming factories consantly churn out air making it possable for people to survive with just breath masks instead of full suits. the amosphere makes Kessle look like an comet instread of a planet. Kessel is the major source of spice, and a seat of underworld activity. Having made the site a correctional facility, the Imperials maintained strict control over it's distrubition with a iron fist. However smugglers still sought to make a fortune by stealing what they could from the Empire and selling it themselves.
Agamar : A planet partialy sterlized by the Empire a year before the Battle of Turkana
Oorn Tchis : a near by planet of Agamar
Omwat : An orange and green world of savannas and mountains, Omwat was the homeworld of the alien Maw scientist Qwi Xux.
Hefi : The location of a secret retreat for Death Star designer Bevel Lemelisk, who hid on Hefi after the first Death Star's destruction until discovered by Imperial agents.
Orooturoo : Princess Nampi, an immense worm-like alien who attempted to steal Jabba's cargo, was a native of Orooturoo.