The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Boeus Sector
Outer Rim - East Quad Sectors   |    Benetau   |    Boeus   |    Boursia   |    Clson   |    Donzi   |    Obashi   |    Papico   |    Rifkin   |    Santana   |    Shima   |    Skone   |    Tasaki   |    Varko   |    Vemo

Planetary Systems
  • Kalador : A planet covered by jagged crystal canyons in some places, and home to a hidden alliance fighter training base. The nearby space is littered with asteroids, the last obstacle course of the training.

  • Dar'or : Ri'dar Homeworld

  • Aduba : This planet is on relatively very few star charts, and for good reason. Some years back it was the site of a Chromium rush, which turned out to be largely a false alarm, the result of mine seeding by greedy speculators. Since then, most freighter captains who still remember the planet, turn up their noses at the mention of the name.

  • Adega : located in the outer rim, Adega was the location of a Jedi stronghold in the old republic.

  • G'andel : Main governing planet of the sector, run by the charismatic governor Darvon Jewett. When the Empire pulled out, he managed to hold onto several of the capital ships and now maintains a defense fleet.