The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Vemo Sector
Outer Rim - East Quad Sectors   |    Benetau   |    Boeus   |    Boursia   |    Clson   |    Donzi   |    Obashi   |    Papico   |    Rifkin   |    Santana   |    Shima   |    Skone   |    Tasaki   |    Varko   |    Vemo

Planetary Systems
  • Flax : Flakax homeworld

  • Khuiumin : The Khuiumin system was the primary base for the infamous Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirates, until they were systematically destroyed by the Imperial Victory-class Star Destroyers Crusader and Bombard. The last survivors retreated to the surface of Khuiumin, only to have their stronghold wiped out by the Crusader's concussion missiles.

  • Engira : An Imperial replenishment convoy was ambushed outside Engira, resulting in the loss of three freighters and their cargoes of food and ammunition worth over 18 million credits.