The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Tasaki Sector
Outer Rim - East Quad Sectors   |    Benetau   |    Boeus   |    Boursia   |    Clson   |    Donzi   |    Obashi   |    Papico   |    Rifkin   |    Santana   |    Shima   |    Skone   |    Tasaki   |    Varko   |    Vemo

Planetary Systems
  • Columus : Columi Homeworld

  • Nentan : Nentan was a stopover point for civilians wishing passage to Rebel safe worlds. When the base was discovered by Imperial forces, there were not enough transports available to evacuate everyone from the surface.

  • Oor VII : Inspector Keek, Chief of Internal Security on Brigia, had a medal (presumably obtained secondhand) designating him spelling champion of the planet Oor VII.

  • Korriban : A hidden world, Korriban holds the mummified remains of many Sith lords within great temples located in a deep valley. The temples' exterior is guarded by human skeletons, activated through a combination of machinery and Sith magic. Within the temples was an immense crystal, which held the trapped spirits of Jedi Masters who had dared oppose the Sith.