Planetary Systems
Barab I : Barabel homeworld
Fornax : A unique celestial phenomenon of the galaxy. Because of Fornax's close proximity to the sun, it attracts the solar prominences about itself. From a distance, the planet seems to be surrounded by five rings of fire.
Tammuz-an : A planet noted for the double rings that surround it.
Annoo : Home of a reptilian race. The planet is an agricultural planet. A local gangster of the region, Sise Fromm, operates a stronghold there.
Biitu : A peaceful and beautiful planet, covered with lush farmland and contented farmers- until the Empire deployed a enormous mining droid there, turning the planet into a barren wasteland
Verdanth : Jungle planet
Yablari : Home of the Anomids. These humanoid beings are born without vocal cords, and wear vocalizer masks to communicate. The Anomids dress in long robes and like to travel the galaxy playing tourist.