The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Rolion Sector

Inner Rim Sectors   |    Capilano   |    Kalamith   |    Palador   |    Cascade   |    Kodi   |    Yushan   |    Iczer   |    Lavazza   |    Lorax   |    Melnak   |    Rolion   |    Thring   |   

Planetary Systems
  • Spira : Water covered pleasure world with a low axial tilt, making it temperate over much of the planet.

  • Patch IV : A big garbage dump for the sector. Solid refuse of every type can be found here. It's the perfect hiding place for contraband- which is why Adminastrator Feret uses it for just that purpose. Feret's watch-beast, a giant worm (distant relitive of the space slug, prehaps) keeps intruders away, and the native refuge population on their toes.

  • Bazarre : A large shopping mall space station, run by Adminastrator Feret. Feret is a low life car salesman who turned into a big time faclility manager, when he took over the operation of Bazare.

  • Carida : Former site of the Imperial Stormtrooper Training Academy, destroyed by the Sun Crusher

  • Farda's Asteroid Belt : A location of an Imperial communications base, that was the site of the first major battle using B-Wings. The fight was a disaster for the Rebellion, due to a compromised intelligence report.

  • Aquaris : On this planet there is almost nothing but water.