The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Kalamith Sector

Inner Rim Sectors   |    Capilano   |    Kalamith   |    Palador   |    Cascade   |    Kodi   |    Yushan   |    Iczer   |    Lavazza   |    Lorax   |    Melnak   |    Rolion   |    Thring   |   

Planetary Systems
  • Belderone : A major Imperial construction yards, primarily everything but spaceships (AT-AT's, speeders, etc). The Terrain is mostly desert and Mesas. Kulthis, the third planet in the system houses a rebel fighter base, with upwards of several squadrons on station.

  • Toprawa : The planet where the data files to the first Death Star were stolen. Rebel forces obtained the information by raiding the convoy en route to the secret Imperial storage facility there.

  • Ralltiir : A planet sympathetic to the rebellion. Ralltiir was subsequently subjugated by Imperial forces when it's true allegiance was discovered by the Emperor. Financial center of the Galaxy.

  • Davnar : Home of the Kalidor, a flying creature of which the Kalidor Crescent is named.

  • Alk'lellish III : The homeworld of the Ketrann, a dangerous carnivore. Governor Wilek Nereus of Bakura owned a set of its four white fangs.

  • Caprioril : A tranquil world in the galactic core, Caprioril was the site of the infamous assassin droid tragedy in which a droid slaughtered 20,000 people (including famous swoop racer Ignar Ominaz) at a swoop arena in order to assassinate Governor Amel Bakli.

  • Allyuen : Based on instructions from Darth Vader, a group of Imperial probe droids were recalibrated to search for Rebels on Allyuen, Tokmia, and Hoth.