The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Melnak Sector

Inner Rim Sectors   |    Capilano   |    Kalamith   |    Palador   |    Cascade   |    Kodi   |    Yushan   |    Iczer   |    Lavazza   |    Lorax   |    Melnak   |    Rolion   |    Thring   |   

Planetary Systems
  • Byss :Abyssin homeworld- not the Emperor's private retreat.

  • Chrellis : home of the first main rebel base

  • Bnach : A scorched world, housing an imperial prison camp. Those imprisoned here toil in rock quarries.

  • Bilbringi : The largest Imperial shipyards, next to Fondor. Heavly defended and patrolled.

  • Thrakia : The homeworld of an intelligent insect species with genetically transmitted memories. Three hundred years ago these insects, who had previously communicated by scent, realized that they could also communicate by clacking their mandibles together. To this day, they view this ability as a sign that their species has been gifted by a higher power.