The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Cronese Mandate Sector
Outer Rim - North Quad Sectors   |    Allied Tion   |    Arkanis   |    Auril   |    Corporate Sector Authority   |    Cronese Mandate   |    Elrood   |    Gordin Reach   |    Minos Cluster   |    Sluis   |    Tion Hegemony   |    Venator

Planetary Systems
  • Chandarr : Ruling world of the Mandate by the current house of Cron, Robeir XXIII. Robeir preserves a fairly large defence fleet, and a certian level of independence for the Mandate.

  • Kyryll's World : Small sentient beings called Pui-ui inhabit this world. They look like two spherical bodies linked by a short neck.

  • Cron Drift : The rift is the charted remnants of a trinary system supernova that exploded sometime in the distant past.

  • Kamar : A dry, hot planet orbiting a white star, Kamar is the homeworld of the insect-like Kamarians. Kamar's native flora includes miser-plants, barrel-scrub, and sting-brush, while its fauna includes digworms, stingworms, bloodsniffers, nightswifts, and howlrunners. The Badlands are the most arid and harsh areas of the planet, while the sophisticated nations of Kamar have developed nuclear explosives and fluidic control systems.

  • Vinsoth : Chevin and chevin humanoid homeworld