Planetary Systems
Kail : A planet in the Corporate Sector. Torm, an associate of Han Solo, had family on Kail who controlled several large tracts of land known as the Kail Ranges. Torm's father and brother disappeared after a dispute with the Corporate Sector Authority over land-use rights and stock prices.
Mytus/Star's End : Home of the Corporate Sector Authority's prison facility. Mytus is a rocky airless planet at the edge of its solar system.
Rampa : this planet's ecosystem is on the verge of collapse, due to the out of control industry there. The air is polluted, the water is poison, and the land is so barren it can barely support produce. the population has been herded into small areas and must make do with synthetic nutrients instead of real food. Any smuggler making it through the security with water (R'alla mineral water is the most popular) has made a big profit.
Orron III : A fertile agricultural planet at a strategic location within the Corporate Sector. The green and blue world has almost no axial tilt, resulting in a year-round growing season. The Corporate Sector Authority tends the endless fields with robot agricultural machines, and has constructed a city-sized Authority Data Center on the planet. The only space traffic allowed on the world are Authority ships and massive agricultural drone barges. The spaceport is extremely large, built to accommodate the arriving and departing robo-barges.
Bonadan : One of the major factory worlds of the CSA. The highly industrialized and overpopulated planet is home to many different species from all over the galaxy. From space, Bonadan is a yellow sphere with rust red stripes. The planet is barren and parched, for whatever plant life was not deliberately destroyed has died due to mining operations, pollutants and neglect.
Roonadan : planetary neighbor of Bonadan.
Rudrig : The planet serves as a university world, with many campuses, housing complexes and rec facilities. The university also sends out aid to developing worlds throughout the Tion Hegemony, as it is the only advanced college in the area.
Ammuud : The planet is governed by a feudal coalition of 7 clans, under a contract from the CSA. It's rigid code of honour is known through Authority space.
R'alla : Home of the R'alla mineral water, famed for its purity and medicinal benefits. It is also a main ingredient in certain bootleg intoxicants.
Lafra : A planet located near the CSA space. Home of an intelligant grey skinned humanoids. These beings were once winged flyers, but evolved past the ability.
Ruuria : Home to an insectoid species. The world's society is made up of 143 colonies and every Ruurian belongs to a single colony for life.
Tynna : The homeworld of the otter-like Tynnans. Most Tynnans have a layer of fat beneath their skin to protect them from the cold waters of their planet. Odumin, the Corporate Sector Authority territorial manager (also known as Spray the skip- tracer), was a native of Tynna.
Urdur : site of a outlaw tech base just outside the Corporate Sector.
Kir : A planet deep in the heart of the Corporate Sector, where crystals are mined and refined for use as crystalline vertex, the Corporate Sector currency.
Duroon : A planet, capable of supporting life, with three moons. An active, volcano-like fissure cuts across the planet's east/west axis. Hot springs, thermal vents, metal magma seepages, and radiation anomalies can be found across the planet surface. The CSA maintains several migrant work camps there.
Etti 4 : Located on a major trade route within the CSA, Etti is home to many of the more affluent and influential Authority Executives. The planet has no exportable resources, so it relies on its natural beauty and prime location to attract visitors and traders.
Kalla : The site of a Corporate Sector Authority university intended for the education of Authority members' children. Consequently, major fields of study include: technical education, commerce, and administration with very little emphasis on the humanities. Rekkon was an instructor at the Kalla university prior to his adventures with Han Solo.