The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Sluis Sector
Outer Rim - North Quad Sectors   |    Allied Tion   |    Arkanis   |    Auril   |    Corporate Sector Authority   |    Cronese Mandate   |    Elrood   |    Gordin Reach   |    Minos Cluster   |    Sluis   |    Tion Hegemony   |    Venator

Planetary Systems
  • Elom : A cold barren desert world rich in mineral resources.

  • Bpfassh : Battleground for a dark Jedi during the clone wars. They don't like Jedi much.

  • Sluis Van : A major shipyards in the north quad

  • Praesitlyn :

  • Dagobah : Yoda's home.

  • Praesitlyn : The location of a major communications station, located within sixty light- years of Bpfassh in the Sluis sector.

  • Hindasar system : The infamous criminal known as Dr. Evazan set up a "medical" practice in the Hindasar system after escaping from the prison world of Delrian.

  • Firro : Many deaths and atrocities were committed on Firro during its brutal subjugation by the Empire, and Lord Cuvir was installed as Imperial Governor of Firro. During a visit to a Firro relief station, Cuvir witnessed the skill of Imperial medical droid Too-Onebee and made the droid his personal physician. Too-Onebee has since joined the Alliance.

  • Gandolo IV : A barren, rocky moon located in the Outer Rim. A group of Wookiee settlers, aided by Chewbacca, were attempting to establish a colony on the moon when they were discovered by the bounty hunter Bossk. Bossk and his men, who were in the employ of the Imperial sector governor, abandoned their attempt to capture the Wookiees after Han Solo disabled their ship by landing on it.

  • Randon : Female ward-cousins on the planet Randon are traditionally honored (due to their potential inheritance) and are customarily served first. Randoni women wear their hair loose and flowing, and an alcoholic drink from Randon is the Randoni Yellow Plague.

  • Kerest : Kerestians don't have much of a homeworld anymore. It was destroyed years ago, and the species were thought extinct- until a colony sleeper ship was found.