The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Venator Sector
Outer Rim - North Quad Sectors   |    Allied Tion   |    Arkanis   |    Auril   |    Corporate Sector Authority   |    Cronese Mandate   |    Elrood   |    Gordin Reach   |    Minos Cluster   |    Sluis   |    Tion Hegemony   |    Venator

Planetary Systems
  • Koda : Koda resembles Endor in several ways: vast forests, tall trees and sparse foliage on the ground. Koda was the site of a Kryd slave camp, housing hundreds of Residian Workers.

  • Jomark : REMOTE Colony world.

  • Nkallon : Home of a weird mining operation.

  • Bryx : A planet that managed to defend itself against the might of the Empire for 3 years, lead by governor Carigan, before finally being subjugated.

  • Froz : The home planet of the Frozians-- tall, furred, extra- jointed aliens known for their melancholy outlook on life. Micamberlecto, the New Republic's governor-general of the Corellian sector, is a Frozian.

  • Alpheridies : The homeworld of the Miraluku, who are born without eyes yet can see through the use of the Force. Many of the Miraluku become Jedi. Shoaneb Culu, a Jedi knight who lived four thousand years ago, was a native of Alpheridies.

  • Dalron Five ): A planet devastated by the Empire during the infamous Siege of Dalron Five. Siege warfare techniques developed by Alliance General Jan Dodonna were used by the Empire in this assault. Refugees from the planet were later encountered by Shistavanen Wolfman scout Lak Svivrak living on a rocky moon.

  • Gand : Gand is a primarily gaseous planet and home to the alien species also called Gand. Gand society is composed of "pocket colonies" separated by enshrouding mists, and the Gand government is a totalitarian monarchy established centuries ago. Locating fugitives in the thick gasses is the responsibility of Gand "findsmen," who worship the mists and use religious rituals to lead them to their targets. Due to Gand's unique atmosphere, all Gand must wear some type of breathing apparatus when off- planet. After Gand and its slave trade were taken over by the Empire, the Imperials' advanced technology made the arcane techniques of the findsmen largely obsolete.