Planetary Systems
Fest : Fest, located in the system of the same name, is in the Atrivis sector of the Outer Rim and borders the
Mantooine system. An Imperial Weapons Research Facility, hidden in a steep mountain range, was located on Fest
and performed metallurgical research on new alloys. Following the Battle of Yavin, Alliance agent Kyle Katarn
infiltrated the facility and stole a sample of the metal Phrik, used in armoring the Dark Troopers. The Fest
system was also home to a resistance group opposing the Empire.
Generis : Located in the Outer Rim in the Atrivis sector, Generis was the site of the New Republic's Outer Rim
comm center. After a fierce battle Grand Admiral Thrawn's clone forces captured the planet, including the comm
center and most of the fleet supply depots. General Kryll and pilot Pash Cracken were able to evacuate Travia
Chan and her people during the New Republic's retreat.
Mantooine : Mantooine, in the system of the same name, is located in the Atrivis sector
in the Mid Rim. The government of Mantooine considers spice smuggling to be a capital offense. Years ago, a group
of Mantooine freedom fighters called the Liberators were massacred by the Empire when they took refuge in a captured
Imperial base. If the group had been allied with another resistance group in the nearby Fest system, however, the
Liberators could have been warned of the coming strike fleet and taken cover in Mantooine's impenetrable forests.
This example of the benefits of communication helped build a strong case for a single, unified Rebel Alliance. In
a separate incident, the probe droid D-127X's self-sacrifice may have saved Mantooine from an Imperial surprise attack.
Cilpar : An Imperially-controlled planet covered with mountains, jungles, and forests. Dozens of ancient native temples, predating the human settlements on Cilpar and nearly indestructible, can be found scattered throughout the forest. Animal life on Cilpar includes the dangerous carnivores called ronks, which are attracted to light and highly allergic to oratay. Male ronks are considered a delicacy on Cilpar, though females are instantly fatal if eaten. Other foodstuffs sold on- planet include mundis and thrashed puerco. The local Moff is Boren Tascl, who was prepared to turn Imperial facilities over to the Alliance following the death of the Emperor. Instead, Tascl rejected the deal and wiped out two suburbs of a Cilpari city, including the neighborhood of Tamarack.
Kamparas : The Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth attended a Jedi training center on Kamparas for two years, from 2/15/90 until 8/33/88, Pre-Empire date.