Planetary Systems
Baros : Brubbs Homeworld
Taraloon : A Pirate base hidden in Quintar Nebula. The base is located in an cavern oasis, on a barren plateau covered planet.
Redcap : A planet of mountains, canyons and mud plains, with a poverty stricken mostly human population.
Monastery : A lovely, tranquil planet, the home of a religious order, called the Sacred Circle. They worship the eternal ever-renewing cycle of life and death far removed from the normal traffic and turmoil of the galaxy. The planet's ring completes the picturesque setting.
H'nemthe : A planet with three moons and home to the alien species also called H'nemthe. During the season of trine, all three of the planet's moons give off their light. On average, there are twenty H'nemthe males for every female-- after mating, the male is gutted with the female's razor-sharp tongue. Virgin females are not often allowed to leave the planet, and are permitted to eat only fruits and vegetables. Plant life on H'nemthe includes the carnivorous m'iiyoom nightlily, a white flower which blooms during the season of trine.