The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Tamiarin Sector
Mid Rim - East Quad Sectors   |    Atrivis   |    Carrion   |    Darr   |    Fellini   |    Hitol   |    Kangas   |    Sarin   |    Tamiarin   |    Tierfon   |    Thorsak

Planetary Systems
  • Rantine : A space station

  • Glova : colonized about 200 years ago, with in population increase due to a ore rush. The planet settled in as a supplier of foodstuffs to the nearby planets.

  • Antiquity : The major export from this planet is Teggi fungal roots. The planet is more barren than Tatooine, mainly mudflats and low seas.

  • Seikosha : an underdeveloped jungle planet, a haven for criminals and lawyers. A large number of off world bounty hunters and spacers frequent here. One of the big crime bosses planetside is Janelle Serap, a lady with a legendary temper.

  • Kalab : briefly mentioned. Your guess is as good as mine.

  • Tekurr'k : Industrial world