The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Kangas Sector
Mid Rim - East Quad Sectors   |    Atrivis   |    Carrion   |    Darr   |    Fellini   |    Hitol   |    Kangas   |    Sarin   |    Tamiarin   |    Tierfon   |    Thorsak

Planetary Systems
  • Varl : Original Hutt homeworld.

  • Selaggis : The location of a colony that was obliterated by Warlord Zsinj's Super Star Destroyer Iron Fist.

  • Cyax/Da Soocha : A planet of pinnacle spires, mesas and mountains. The planet was known to the Hutts as the location of the afterlife and home of their gods. Planet has yet to seen any visitors.

  • Laakteen Depot : A Rebellion supply depot and hospital for soldiers from the sector. The outpost was the first target for the Executor in her shake down cruse.

  • New Alderaan : New Republic Support Services located a planet, renamed New Alderaan, to serve as a homeworld for the refugees from the destroyed world of Alderaan. Unfortunately, the planet was discovered by Imperial Warlord Zsinj and its population was forced to temporarily evacuate. During the time of the Emperor's reappearance, Jacen and Jaina Solo were being protected on an uncharted, green, exotic world code-named "New Alderaan." The small, unassuming settlement near a lake helped disguise a large underground technical complex and its advanced defensive weaponry. The Emperor attacked the complex with his seven Darkside warriors and a phalanx of advanced AT-ATs in an attempt to kidnap Jacen and Jaina Solo.