Planetary Systems
Bestine : When the Empire decided to open a high-security base of operations in the Bestine system, the entire population of Bestine IV was evacuated to make room for the installation. Alliance pilot Jek Porkins was one of these dispossessed persons, and learned his piloting skills by hunting sink-crabs on Bestine IV's rocky islands in his T-16 Skyhopper. Kestic station, a free-trader outpost, was located near the Bestine system until eliminated by the Star Destroyer Merciless. Alliance pilot Biggs Darklighter defected to the Rebellion along with his ship, the Rand Ecliptic, during a mission to the Bestine system.
Kiffex : The site of a colony, where the twin con-artists Brea and Senni Tonnika were raised and where they perfected their deceptive money-making skills.
Crseih Station : Crseih Station, formerly stationed near a black hole (with a glowing accretion disk) located in the intersection of two star clusters, orbited a white dwarf star that was freezing into a quantum crystal. The station, capable of hyperspace travel, is a cluster of asteroids joined together by gravity fields and connecting airlink tunnels between the residential domes. The intense X rays of the adjacent black hole required powerful shielding for the residents and for all visiting ships, and the power required to run the shields made the station uncomfortably warm. Despite the shields, some X rays penetrated the defenses and mutated the plant life on the station.
Kestic Station : A free-trader outpost near the Bestine system, Kestic station was a frequent stopover for smugglers and outlaw miners. Alliance pilot Zev Senesca lived on Kestic Station with his parents, who supplied the Rebellion with arms until their illegal transactions were revealed by an Imperial informant. The station was subsequently destroyed by the Star Destroyer Merciless.