Planetary Systems
Venaari : Under imperial control for years, but with an increased presence since the battle of Endor.
Taloraan : A gas giant located far off any major trade routes. It has never been explored beyond the minimal sweep for navigation information.
Aguarl 3 : An ocean-covered world that was home to a Rebel base. The underwater base was attacked by a wing of TIE bombers, after the Empire learned its location from a Quarren spy.
Delrian : A prison planet used for the incarceration of dangerous criminals. The infamous Dr. Evazan was held on Delrian until he escaped to the Hindasar system.
Kalist VI : The site of an Imperial labor colony for political prisoners. Alliance gunner Dak Ralter was born in this colony, and lived there for 17 years until escaping with the help of a downed Rebel pilot.