Planetary Systems
Yinchor : Home world of a turtle headed like race. The planet is roccky and barren, much like the south west US. Mesas and stone archways everywhere. The Government consists of a elder ruling concil.
Ord Pardron : home of the major military forces for the republic and prime defender for much of the surrounding sectors.
Ando : Aqualish Homeworld
Filve : A huge service station for passing starships. An Imperial class starport services nearly any vessel. The Filvians have turned this hot, uncomfortable planet into a major trade and information nexus.
Ukio : One of the best known of the agricultural planets in the Abrion sector. The planet has been almost completly converted into a food production facility, and is one of the most efficent food distrobution centers in the sector.
Chrondre : The site of one battle during a multi-pronged attack by Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Star Destroyer Nemesis participated in this battle, which was actually a diversion to draw attention away from Thrawn's true target of Ukio.