The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Danzas Sector
Outer Rim - West Quad Sectors   |    Abrion   |    Ashtarsha   |    Bostic   |    Dali   |    Danzas   |    Dufilvan   |    Endevco   |    Hapes Cluster   |    Lindt   |    Lol   |    Merel   |    Moddell   |    Ralbum   |    Rilltar

Planetary Systems
  • Velmor : A fudal homeworld that was about to side with the Empire before a rebel strike team restored the rightful heir to power. Now the rulers side with the rebellion wherever it can. The planet has a mostly jungle terrain

  • Adari : Homeworld of the Adarians. Most of the planet covered by mountains snow. (one small habitable area.