The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Rilltar Sector
Outer Rim - West Quad Sectors   |    Abrion   |    Ashtarsha   |    Bostic   |    Dali   |    Danzas   |    Dufilvan   |    Endevco   |    Hapes Cluster   |    Lindt   |    Lol   |    Merel   |    Moddell   |    Ralbum   |    Rilltar

Planetary Systems
  • Dankayo : A little remarked planet in a little known system. A rebel administrative base was located there until the Imperial Star Destroyers Relentless, Avenger and Devistator reduced the tiny base to slag.

  • Damogran : Ned's Homeworld

  • Roon : Mysterious planet surrounded by a belt of moonlets, asteroids and other debris. Half of Roon is spectacular, with emerald continents and sapphire oceans. The other half is dark and cold, trapped in perpetual night. According to spacers legends, it holds untold treasures.

  • Averam : Location of a Rebel cell, where Targeter worked for a few weeks. Imperial Intelligence cracked the cell soon afterwards. The natives of Averam are called Averists.

  • Basilisk : The site of the Battle of Basilisk, where the Jedi Master Sidrona Diath was killed.

  • Palanhi : Palanhi is a crossroads planet with a reputation for exaggerating its own importance. The planet has remained neutral in an effort to profit from both sides of the galactic Civil War