The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Dufilvan Sector
Outer Rim - West Quad Sectors   |    Abrion   |    Ashtarsha   |    Bostic   |    Dali   |    Danzas   |    Dufilvan   |    Endevco   |    Hapes Cluster   |    Lindt   |    Lol   |    Merel   |    Moddell   |    Ralbum   |    Rilltar

Planetary Systems
  • Naldar : A world at one time rich in mineral and natural resources- until the Empire decided it wanted the planet. The royal house resisted the Empire's efforts, but instead of obliterating the planet (which would have been much easyer) they blockaded and sieged the planet. The conflict at Endor changed the orders of battle, and assult was stepped up. The full might of the empire was unleashed, and the planet fell within hours. Suddenly Naldar has become a staging area for the Imperial assult for the sector.

  • Kirtania : Fourth out from the sun, a colony world at the end of a trade route that reciently became popular.

  • Crondre : a small, icy world the Republic has converted into a supply depot for pershiable medical supplies.

  • Bimmisari : Home of the Bimms, favorite stopover for traders, and rapidly becoming a major comerace center.

  • Marasa Nebula : Marasans evolved from land herbavores, and prospered due to the gential climate. The planet is tought to get to due to the raging duststorm of the Nebula.

  • Kintan : The Nikto live on this planet, located deep in the Sl'klaata Cluster. The planet itself is an endless expance of deserts. Very harsh.