The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Dali Sector
Outer Rim - West Quad Sectors   |    Abrion   |    Ashtarsha   |    Bostic   |    Dali   |    Danzas   |    Dufilvan   |    Endevco   |    Hapes Cluster   |    Lindt   |    Lol   |    Merel   |    Moddell   |    Ralbum   |    Rilltar

Planetary Systems
  • Xeron : A minor rebel outpost activated during the dark period for the Rebellion just before the battle of Endor

  • Circapous : A star system composed of 14 planets. Though many inhabitants are sympathetic to the rebellion, most were afriad to act, dur to the might of the Empire. Mimban, the fith planet is the site of a secret Imperial mining operation. The fourteenth planet is the location of a Rebel outpost.

  • Iridium : Home of an infamous pirate band, that used rare power gems that disrupted energy fields, alowing then to bust right thourgh capital ship shields. They operated, until the Jedi Knights shut them down.

  • Ottega : Located in the outer rim territories, Ottega has an unusual number of moons and inhabited planets. 75 planets and 622 moons make a popular tourist region.