The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Lol Sector
Outer Rim - West Quad Sectors   |    Abrion   |    Ashtarsha   |    Bostic   |    Dali   |    Danzas   |    Dufilvan   |    Endevco   |    Hapes Cluster   |    Lindt   |    Lol   |    Merel   |    Moddell   |    Ralbum   |    Rilltar

Planetary Systems
  • Wayland : Location of the Mount Tantis stronghold, and home of C'boath and several other warring primitive races. Nobody EVER comes here.

  • Ikon : A red dwarf star orbited by an asteroid belt. After the Battle of Yavin, Princess Leia Organa traveled to the asteroid belt to help Rebel sympathizers install a Turbolaser.

  • Cadomai : Snivvians come from an extremly cold world.

  • Jiroch : Reslia, kalok, & saloch, three diffrent worlds, are home of Tunroth.