Planetary Systems
Tibrin : Ish Tib Homeworld. The planet is moderate size covered in a shallow ocean. One lifeless moon orbits.
Abregado-rae :
Eol Sha :mA volcanic world, is circled by a large double moon which is in decaying orbit and will likely collide with the planet in another hundred years. The surface of the planet is covered with scalding geysers and bubbling lava fissures, which were known to hold a dangerous lava fireworm. A mining operation was established on Eol Sha 100 years ago to extract valuable gasses from the nearby Cauldron Nebula, but when the operation failed the colonists were forgotten. The colonists lived on the planet for generations, surviving on crustacean bugdillos and edible lichens, until relocated to Dantooine by the New Republic.
Cauldron Nebula : A huge, rainbow-colored nebula composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and neon clouds from seven closely-orbiting blue supergiant stars. The closest world is Eol Sha, where colonists mounted an unsuccessful attempt to mine the nebula's gasses.
Tiss'sharl : The Vllsloraptor like Tiss'shar are jungle dwellers with a flair for business.