The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Glythe Sector
Outer Rim - South Quad Sectors   |    Albarrio   |    Andimo   |    Cor'nic   |    Dalchon   |    Farfin   |    Glythe   |    Natalis   |    Orus   |    Parmic   |    Plooriod Cluster   |    Rayter   |    Rondeau   |    Testarr

Planetary Systems
  • Kwenn : Considered the last fuel and supply stop before entering the outer rim territories. The city like station has everything the weary spacer might need after a long voyage. The station is built atop an extensive docking platform. Still further below the station is the massive drydock gridwork used for parking refitting, or otherwise repairing Capital Ships

  • Qat Chrystac : A battleground for the Empire and Republic, with neither side gaining a sufficient advantage to crush the other side.

  • Valrar : Located in the Glythe sector, Valrar is the location of an Imperial base. Khabarakh the Noghri was scheduled to be reassigned to this base following his return from the failed commando mission on Kashyyyk. Valrar was also the reported port of origin for Talon Karrde's ship when his group visited Bilbringi, and was the destination of the Star Galleon Draklor after unloading Joruus C'baoth on Wayland.

  • Epidimi : Two different planets, Iri & Disim, are home of the Tarongs, a species of quadruped avians with warty thick skin and long hooked beaks.

  • Klatooine: : Klatooinans live on a dry, arid and almost desert like planet.