Planetary Systems
Bodgen : A swampy satellite orbiting an unnamed planet. During the early days of the Empire, the planet was used as a headquarters of pirate captain Kybo Ren.
Ryloth : Sector Capital
Baskarn : Rebel fighter base, jungle world.
Intuci : Years ago, the planet Intuci was raided by the armies of the war criminal Sonopo Bomoor. Bomoor's forces sacked the city of Bonaka Nueno, and arranged a massacre of its citizens in Bonaka Square. Among the victims was the family of Kosh Kurp, who later became the Empire's leading specialist on offensive weaponry.
Joiol : Joiol was investigated as a possible stopover point in Grand Admiral Thrawn's clone trafficking by Clyngunn the Ze'Hethbra, who found nothing significant. The smuggler Mazzic was picked up by Thrawn in the Joiol system and informed that the Empire was not behind an attack on the smugglers at Trogan. [LC]
Thandruss : Homeworld of the Krytollaks- strange folks who virtually worship Emperor Palpatine