The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Parmic Sector
Outer Rim - South Quad Sectors   |    Albarrio   |    Andimo   |    Cor'nic   |    Dalchon   |    Farfin   |    Glythe   |    Natalis   |    Orus   |    Parmic   |    Plooriod Cluster   |    Rayter   |    Rondeau   |    Testarr

Planetary Systems
  • Pesmenben IV : A planet where Lando Calrissian ran a con-job on an Imperial governor. Calrissian laced the dunes of Pesmenben IV with valuable lithium carbonate, convincing the governor to lease the planet, and then tricked the governor into offering bribes to non-existent "union officials."

  • Shownar : An entertainment and tourist capital of the sector. The terrain consists of crystalline spires that tower several kilometers into the air. While most buildings are built on such spires, the natives live in the spires themselves.

  • Boonta : A planet famous for it's elaborate speeder racing circuit. The planet also is home to a gigantic scrap yard that serves as a graveyard for damaged and abandoned ships.

  • Laramus : A hotbed of trouble and resistance. Home of the Merc group Laramus Base Irregulars. An Imperial convoy was leaving Laramus when it was ambushed by a Rebel cruiser, several shuttles, and X-wing fighters. None of the Imperial transports were able to escape the Laramus system, and the Rebels captured all 14 without any losses.

  • Sorotarr VI : A real gamblers paradise, packed full of Moffs, Fleet Admirals, Imperial nobles, crooks and aristocrats. Much like Adarlon

  • Taul : an small rebel outpost to train troops for severe battle conditions- until the Empire happened across the system. Since the battle of Endor, the base has been reactivated.

  • Shaum Hil : Kian'thar evolved from large reptiles, but have since developed a culture built around the planet's oceans.