Planetary Systems
Yaga Minor : Another major Imperial ship building area, used as the launch point for the Outbound Flight project.
Narg : Owned by TransGalMeg, a low tech world industrialized by the Empire, then sub-contracted to TGM. The natives don't react well to aliens, because TGM employs humans only.
Najarka : Jungle world, too isolated for settlement or industrial development. Home of an abandoned Imperial research base.
Laim : The system has never been occupied. It's sun is a pale white dwarf with now planets. The only attraction is the subspace relay station for holovision and communication for the sector.
Karra : a small dense planet in a largely unexplored section of the sector.
Neelgaimon : Following the failure of the Emperor's attempt to destroy the Jedi enclave on Belsavis, several designers of the "Eye of Palpatine" were reassigned to punitive duty at the sand mines of Neelgaimon.
Ansuroer : Houk started out on one planet, but wound up spreading its colonies around the sector.