Planetary Systems
Ithor : Ithorian homeworld
Lotra : Homeworld of the Lotrans
Hollan Dl : An Imperial storage area and equipment transfer station.
Geedon V : The site of a former pirate base. Gallandro, the famed gunman, single-handedly took over this pirate's nest during one of his early exploits.
Droma : Imperial grain depot
Lefar : Homeworld to the Lefarians, a race of aliens in open rebellion to the Empire, but not operating with the Republic
Ploorad : sector capital,
Berrol's Donn : An out of the way rebel base. Runs main resistance for the outlying areas of the quadrant.
Corsin : Located in the Greater Plooriod Cluster, Corsin was a beautiful world known for its love of life until it was forcibly subjugated by Imperial troops. Alliance historian Voren Na'al witnessed the start of the military occupation while covering the prestigious swoop races on Corsin.