The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Benslurahk Sector
Mid Rim - North Quad Sectors   |    Astoria   |    Benslurahk   |    Borromeo   |    Centralia   |    Chehalis   |    Columbia   |    Jurvex   |    Kinzua   |    Kira   |    Senex

Planetary Systems
  • Trebela : A major Rebel network was exposed in Trebela's capital city by Imperial Governor Kraxith. Surprisingly, most of the Rebel groups discovered had been working independently and were not aware of the others' activities.

  • Yuga Two : A planet covered with dense rainforests and clinging trees, Yuga Two is a popular tourist destination due to the Yuga Planetary Park. Alliance historian Voren Na'al bought passage from Yuga Two to Tatooine on a Galaxy Tours ship to begin documenting the histories of the Heroes of Yavin.

  • Galvoni III : The location of an Imperial military communications complex. Alliance historian Voren Na'al infiltrated the complex following the Battle of Yavin in order to gain more information about the Death Star project.

  • Firrerre : All life on the planet Firrerre was wiped out through the Empire's use of a biological weapon, and it is still unsafe for any ships to land there. The devastation was ordered by Hethrir, the Imperial Procurator of Justice (himself a native of Firrerre) and carried out by the Empire's elite Starcrash Brigade. The people of Firrerre, humanoids with long, striped hair, were believed to have been rendered extinct by the death of their world.

  • Gelviddis Cluster : An atypical type of sand is located on a world in the Gelviddis Cluster. The unique composition of this sand allows Jedi to easily form it into familiar shapes and images through the use of the Force