The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Borromeo Sector
Mid Rim - North Quad Sectors   |    Astoria   |    Benslurahk   |    Borromeo   |    Centralia   |    Chehalis   |    Columbia   |    Jurvex   |    Kinzua   |    Kira   |    Senex

Planetary Systems
  • Flitter : One time Alliance safe world, until the Empire found it and slaughtered the population there. A blockade prevented the remaining 1,000 or so people from being evacuated. Recently the Republic broke the blockade and rescued the surviving 300 people there.

  • Kamaar: a self supporting, out of the way planet. Lots of natural beauty and native crafts, but not much else. It's only claim to fame is it's Atria's Homeworld.

  • Smarteel : Jabba the Hutt visited Cabrool Nuum's base on Smarteel in an attempt to sell Nuum a captured freighter. In the ensuing adventure, Jabba killed Nuum and his two children.

  • Vodran : Vodran, covered with swamps and thick jungles, is home to the dianoga. This seven-tentacled creature has one eyestalk and has evolved a transparent camouflage to protect it from Vodran's huge predators. These animals can be now found feeding on garbage virtually everywhere in the galaxy.

  • Phorliss : The smuggler Mara Jade briefly worked as a serving girl in a Phorliss cantina following the death of the Emperor.

  • Vogel 7 : The site of an Imperial Naval Academy where TIE pilot Ranulf Trommer was raised.

  • Pho Ph'eah : The alien species inhabiting Pho Ph'eah has blue fur and four arms. The assistant manager in the main lounge of Bonadan Spaceport Southeast II was a native of Pho Ph'eah.