Planetary Systems
Antipose IX : A pilot droid that Lando Calrissian rented to take him from the Oseon to Rafa IV once held a job on the pleasure yacht Arleen, which departed from Antipose IX.
Antipose XII : While on a mission in the Oseon, Lando Calrissian used the password "dubesor"-- a native insult on Antipose XII.
Dela system : Lando Calrissian's destination before visiting the Oseon was the Dela system, but he decided against it due to the tricky landing required on a mountaintop spaceport. [LCMH]
Dilonexa XXIII : Dilonexa XXIII orbits a giant blue-white star along with 39 other planets. Dilonexa XXIII is the only world capable of supporting life, as the inner 22 are far too hot and the outer 17 too cold. The planet is nearly 25,000 kilometers in diameter, but its lack of heavy metals gives it a tolerable gravity. Dilonexa XXIII is entirely given over to agriculture. Its farms stretch across the entire surface of the planet, providing foodstuffs, plastics, fuels, and grain for the herds of native bovine. Weather- controlling satellites in orbit help keep the city-sized tornadoes in check with energy weaponry. All heavy metals must be imported to the planet, and the Dinonexican colonists have developed an allergic reaction to foods containing too many trace metals.
Oseon : Composed of nothing but thousands of asteroids, Oseon is famous for its wealthy inhabitants and its booming tourist trade. Seven wide bands of asteroids orbit their sun, and many of these bodies have been turned into luxury resorts or private estates. Many tourists come to see the famous Flamewind of Oseon, a yearly phenomenon caused by an increase in stellar flares. The flares interact with asteroid vapor, creating brilliant bands of ionized gas thousands of kilometers long that fill the system with fluorescing colors. The Flamewind lasts an average of three weeks, and the strong radiation prevents all communications and in-system space traffic with the exception of message torpedoes. Carrying personal weapons in the Oseon is a capital offense.
Phraetiss : Lando Calrissian ran a botched operation on Phraetiss about ten years- before the rise of Grand Admiral Thrawn. It was here that he made the acquaintance of the smuggler Niles Ferrier.
Rafa : The eleven planets and numerous moons of the Rafa system are covered with the enormous plastic ruins of the ancient Sharu. The buildings are among the largest constructions in the galaxy and are quite impenetrable. Many human colonies, dating from the early days of the Old Republic, have sprung up around and between the structures. The system was also inhabited by a primitive humanoid species known as the Toka, who were treated as slaves by the Rafa colonists. The system is famous for its life orchards-- groves of crystalline trees whose crystal "fruit" can extend an individual's life when harvested and worn. Working among the crystal trees themselves, however, drains a person's life and intellect, and consequently most of the harvesting is done by the Toka or the criminals in the Rafa's numerous penal colonies. Following Lando Calrissian's procurement of the Mindharp from Rafa V, the Toka were revealed to actually be the Sharu and regained their civilization and mental abilities.