The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Kinzua Sector
Mid Rim - North Quad Sectors   |    Astoria   |    Benslurahk   |    Borromeo   |    Centralia   |    Chehalis   |    Columbia   |    Jurvex   |    Kinzua   |    Kira   |    Senex

Planetary Systems
  • Drogheda : Long established colony. The planet is mostly rugged cliffs and mountains. The ruling family has a profitable mining business on a plant in the same system.

  • Junction : Sector Capital. One of many such planets, scattered against the backdrop of outworlds. Essentially a trading post, gathering place, and watering hole for those that roam beyond civilized systems. Anyone seeking supplies, particularly those who find imperial regulation distasteful, find their way here. The Rebellion got a large chunk of their supplies here. The Empire patrols the main space ways into the system, but is unable to blockade an asteroid corridor leading in, due to the size of the capital ships. Pirates and smugglers use the corridor to it's full potential.

  • Golrath : A young, volcanic planet with an abandoned ore smelting plant. The plant served as a one time rebel base

  • Beheboth : A dry, desert like planet in the orbit of a nebula with ten suns. The planet has moisture farmers, much like Tatooine, but they're much more organized. Now space rubble thanks to Desslok's wrath

  • Chandrila : Mon Mothma's homeworld