The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Jurvex Sector
Mid Rim - North Quad Sectors   |    Astoria   |    Benslurahk   |    Borromeo   |    Centralia   |    Chehalis   |    Columbia   |    Jurvex   |    Kinzua   |    Kira   |    Senex

Planetary Systems
  • Bespin : Cloud City is located here. Sector Capital.

  • Sunaj : An Imperial repair facility located near the northern edge of the sector

  • Hirom : Nothing is known about the world, except that the natives seem themselves as great warriors with a destiny to conquer the galaxy. This couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, they turn out to be cowardly bugs with delusions of grandeur

  • Habassa : Homeworld of the Habassins, a race that helped out the rebellion relocate the fleet to Hoth. Turned into an asteroid field by Leader Desslok and his superweapon.

  • Trenwyth : A war ravaged world, long since dead. The system is occasionally used to travel through, as nobody ever goes there. Many ruins of a once great civilization there.

  • Farfield : Imperial patrol squadron base. Corvettes, gunboats and small patrol ships depart constantly. Most patrols eventually wind up at Feenex, the other patrol base in the sector.

  • Telos 4 : A medical research outpost. The management is neutral in the galactic fight, fixing people from either side.

  • Derra 4 : Site of a significant Rebel defeat just before the battle of Hoth. An Alliance convoy with much needed supplies were ambushed by several TIE fighter squads. The convoy was smashed, and all rebellion personnel were killed.

  • Hoth : An Alliance base at one time, but never the main command base, or the site of a major battle. Hoth maintained it's quiet obscurity.

  • Retep : a major supplier of grain to the Empire, and the whole sector.

  • Bofa : Imperial intelligence network HQ for the sector.

  • Yunkor : An outlying Imperial equipment staging area

  • Anoat : The system contains the planets Anoat, Gentes (the homeworld of the pig- like Ugnaughts), and the colony world of Deyer. Deyer is a colony world composed of floating raft cities, terraformed lakes, and abundant fish and crustacean life. The colonists on Deyer had created a peaceful, democratic political system until they spoke out against the destruction of Alderaan, paving the way for a brutal military takeover of Deyer by Imperial troops.

  • Pii : A general convoy stopover and truckstop from the north part of the sector to the south.

  • Feenex : The second Imperial patrol base in the sector. Feenex is much smaller, but just as busy- more of a stopover than a repair and resupply base.