Planetary Systems
Marat V/Skye : A restricted world. Consists mostly of rocky, jagged mountains and grassy plains. The natives are
off colored humanoids with wings. Also native are the
fierce Catuman warriors, cat like creatures that could give a Wookiee a run for his money in a fight.
Balis Baurgh : A system naturally shielded by the numerous gas clouds and heavy solar radiation.
Hijarna : An out of the way planet used as a smuggler hide out by Talon Karrde, among others.
Tirahnn : location of an ancient, legendary bazaar. Leading trade nexus of the entire stellar
cluster, a city larger than some countries. It's architecture ranging from the street level hurly burly of
the fair to mile high corporate skyscrapers and luxury palaces. The heights are homes of Tirahnn's elite,
the merchant princes who rule this world- huge fantastic palaces sprawling across miles of ground, or
reaching impossibly into the emerald sky.
Shalyvane : Very little is known about the planet, history or otherwise. What is
known is that the populace was an industrious, peaceful people, when allowed to be. Bands of
nomad barbarians, xenophobic in the extreme, kept everyone wallowing in a series of senseless battles,
for no other reason but for the enjoyment of the fray. When the barbarians unexpectedly made peace
overtures, the Shalyvains took them up on it. When both sides were gathered for the peace treaty singing,
the Empire showed up, and bombed the party out of existence. The Nomads had sold the Shalyvains out,
telling the Empire they were in league with the alliance. However there was a deeper, more evil purpose behind
the destruction. The Evil Lord Vader required the elimination of the civilization to establish a credible
background for a project- the destruction of Luke Skywalker.
Tanaab : Four thousand years ago, the freighter "Kestrel Nova" was captured from space
pirates near the agricultural world of Taanab and was used by Ulic Qel-Droma to travel to the Tetan system.
Millennia later, the planet was annually raided by bandits from Norulac. Lando Calrissian (on a bet)
destroyed the raiders by using unorthodox but effective flying skills and battle tactics, and was promoted to
Alliance general partly on the notoriety of this incident. Years later, Joruus C'baoth coordinated an Imperial
attack on Taanab, where he used the Bellicose's turbolasers to destroy a New Republic ship over the direct orders
of Captain Aban.
Norulac : The planet Norulac housed a company of bandits who annually raided Tanaab,
until they were wiped out by Lando Calrissian.