The Imperial Order - [Sector Plexus]

The Senex Sector
Mid Rim - North Quad Sectors   |    Astoria   |    Benslurahk   |    Borromeo   |    Centralia   |    Chehalis   |    Columbia   |    Jurvex   |    Kinzua   |    Kira   |    Senex

Planetary Systems
  • Yetoom : Located on the edge of the Senex sector, is the base of operations for Fargednim P'taan, a moderately big drug dealer.

  • Greeb-Streebling Cluster : A cluster located in the Ninth Quadrant, near the Senex and Juvex sectors.

  • Mussubir III : A planet possibly in the Senex sector. The uncommitted ex-governor of Mussubir Three took a "vacation" to attend a meeting on Belsavis with Roganda Ismaren.

  • Karfeddion : Located in the Senex sector, Karfeddion is the site of several slave farms run by the House Vandron. Breeding farms are designed to produce Ossan and Bilanaka slaves, tailored for agricultural work. During an economic depression on Karfeddion, Lady Theala Vandron was summoned to the High Court of Coruscant to defend the slave farms on her homeworld.

  • Belsavis : Belsavis is a world of volcanic rift valleys separated by miles of icy glaciers. The inhabited, steam-filled rifts are heated by the planet's core, which feeds mud pots and hot springs on the surface. The cities within the rifts, some of them covered by light-amplification domes, include Wutz, Bot-Un, Mithipsin, and Plawal (formerly called Pletwell). The enormous rift-covering domes, buoyed by antigravity units in their apices, support a vast network of hanging gardens and moveable growing beds. The domes also protect against the periodic cold storms that formerly swept into the rifts from the surrounding glaciers.

  • Gathus : The twenty-five man skating team from Gathus played the planet Lafra in several games of a puttie series. Han Solo watched the final match while on a mission to Belsavis.