Wing/Regiment Commanders (If deemed neccesary by ICA)
If a channel operator issues a warning or an order to either individuals or the entire channel, based on conduct or otherwise, all officers being addressed are to follow those orders without question.
Channel Operators are not to abuse their op status in any shape or form, this includes kicking or banning a person for no apparent reason, or in any other way abusing their op privledge.
High Command Officers are the only ops authorized to change the channel topic, if necessary.
Ops are to use their discretion, reason and conscience when taking disciplinary action in the channel, whether it be a warning or kick/ban, if the person has clearly violated the General IRC Rules, you are authorized to take the required action.
No channel op will de-op another channel op(s) for any reason, except in the event that the channel op in question is breaching the code of conduct.
Any Channel Operator found to be abusing their op status will have that status immediately revoked by the Emperor.