The Imperial Order - [Code of Conduct]   
CoC Data
  CoC Index

  Imperial Intelligence

  The Tarkin Doctrine

  The Larsen Amendment

  Court Martials



Imperial Rules
  Article I

  Article II

  Article III

  Article IV

  Article V

  Article VI

  Article VII

  Article VIII

  Article IX

  Article X

  Article XI

  Article XII


Any officer who has been charged with a Code of Conduct violation has the right to present a defense in their behalf in order to clear the charges, if there is a questionable doubt the accusations were not made properly. The accused officer(s) may call upon their direct superior to assist them in their defense, though any commanding officer is under no obligation to do so and has the right to refuse such a request. The accused may present any concrete evidence in their behalf, call character witnesses, and plead their case to the Imperial Command Authority in their defense.

IRC Conduct

  General Rules

  Channel Operators


Holonet Conduct



  Class I

  Class II

  Class III

  Class IV

  Class I

  Class II

  Class III

  Class IV

  Main Concourse

  Imperial Holonet